Thursday, April 28, 2005


I have had a hard time with my blogspot. Yesterday I had technical difficulties trying to put a blog in. So, I am here today.

Life as I know it has been blurring past me so wildly these past few weeks. You see, my wife and I have recently bought a house. It is our first one and we are so excited. We are experiencing the joy of shopping, painting and furniture seeking. The house is a bit bigger than the amount of furniture we have so here for a week or two it will swallow our little hand-me-down loveseat and recliner. Elizabeth has already found the sofa and loveseat that she wants. She also has some interesting (to say the least) ideas for paint on the walls. Well, I am going along for the ride. I place all of my trust in her capable hands.

How many of you out there have had to do that? Put your complete trust in more capable hands even though you were not so sure of the outcome? It is not that easy to do, is it?

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Many of you readers out there are getting ready to take that final look back at high school life in all of it's oddness and fascination and wave goodbye. Maybe you are going on to University or College. Maybe you are going into a VoTech or other specialized program. Whatever it may be that you do, know this: It is going to be nothing like your life before that point. There are going to be some big changes that come your way. You are going to face some strong choices. You must be able to focus.

Focus on what? The good looking girls/guys that you get to meet? The class curriculum? The relationship between you and your friends and family? Yeah, those are good things to see. But, there is something that takes precedence over those. The True Goal.

The author of Hebrews wrote in chapter 12 verse 2a "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith," If you do this, all of the others will fall into place. You will be able to do all things through Him because He will give you the strength to do it. When you keep your focus on Him, then every choice you make will count and everything you do will be on the up and up. All of your choices will be colored with love for the Son, our one and only True Goal.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Quote Of The Day

"Fear doesn't want you to make the journey to the mountain. If he can rattle you enough, fear will persuade you to take your eyes off the peaks and settle for a dull existence in the flatlands." - Max Lucado

Friday, April 22, 2005


We live in an ever changing world. Always be ready to face the winds. It is getting pretty close to graduation. With the departure from high school and the entrance of College or University comes some pretty scary things for the young adult.

I will never forget the way I felt when I was no longer under the protective roof of my caring parents. I had to be my own motivator. Motivation to do my work, to buy my groceries and to clean my room. I also had to learn how to deal with strange people sharing a dorm room with me.

University life brought some scary differences that could have stopped me dead in my tracks.
But, I had someone that stayed with me throughout it all.


He is always there.

To motivate.

To provide.

To guide.

To shelter.

To make sense of all the chaos.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Quote Of The Day

"For fast-acting relief, try slowing down." - Lily Tomlin

Monday, April 18, 2005

Living Life

"Either what we do every day is important, or nothing is. In a sense, we can live our entire life every day." - George Sheehan

Those are some great words to live by. And I should know. You see, I am slapped in the face every day with the reality that it may be my last. I am one of the biggest procrastinators I know. I am the one they talk about when they say "I'll procrastinate later." Some of you out there fit this same description.

But we need to remember that we are not promised a future. We are not promised anything other than the present. So let us not live in the future. Let us seize the day and live every day as if it were our last.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Quote Of The Day

"I have learned that prayer is not asking for what you think you want but asking to be changed in ways you can't imagine." - Kathleen Norris

The Facade of Perfection

"A lot of kids say that they don't see adults go forward for help in 'Big Church.'" This statement was made by a fellow youth minister in one of the seminars in the Shaping the Heart weekend at Harding University. How scary and yet how true that is. So many adults have gotten used to the facade of perfection that they are leaving a poor example for the generations to follow.

We know that little eyes and young hearts/minds are looking for us to lead the way. They are looking for someone to follow. How can they go where we want them to go if we haven't worn a path for them? We cannot expect our youth to fully understand repentance and the help that the Body can be for one another if we are constantly hiding our needs, fears and struggles behind a mask every Sunday and Wednesday.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am indicting myself, also. I feel myself putting on the mask now and then because it seems to be the easier way out. Just hide away and put the hurt on the back burner while I smile on the outside and shoot the proverbial breeze. But that is so not true! The easier way would be to confront the issue and call on our family members to uplift and encourage us. That is why we are called family and body. We support/hold up the other parts that are sagging. We provide shoulders for each other when someone needs to lean. We help each other.

Let us get away from the facade of perfection. Let's take off the masks that we hide behind. Let's allow God's love flow from us to the person that is struggling. It can't if we don't know that the person is hurting. Let's open up more to one another and let the healing begin.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Quote Of The Day

"Seize the heart of a teenager and his/her head will follow" - Greg Steir

Guinea Pig

Today I was a guinea pig. You see, one of the teens in my youth group requested that I help her in her science project. The project: The variable effects of Nitrous Oxide on 6 different subjects. A former State Trooper was on hand to administer different sobriety tests on each gp.

The experiment was very fun and full of silly laughter. McKayla, the teen doing the study, will never let me live that few minutes of goofiness and giggles down. Don't you just love humbling experiences?

Monday, April 11, 2005


Words are very interesting. They hold within them such great power to harm or heal. The wise person uses them for the edification and encouragement of others. The foolish person uses them in an immature way that only brings hurt and pain. Then there is the growing person (me) that, more often than not, falls prey to foot-in-mouth disease and opens the mouth before thoughts go through the head.

How many of you have this disease? It is a tough one. Who would have thought that the tongue (creator of words) would have such power? Well, James did and he wrote about it in his letter to early Christians. "All of us do many wrong things. But if you can control your tongue, you are mature and able to control your whole body." (James 3:2, CEV)

Yes, we Christians are not perfect and we make many mistakes throughout our walk with God. But, according to this passage, we have the power to control ourselves. We gain wisdom and insight and then use them to by living right in everything we do and say. For those of you that suffer from 'the disease,' there is hope. We can learn to control or words through prayer, study and growth.

I'm Back

Well, I know that you are probably wondering where have been. My wife and I traveled this past weekend to Searcy, AR for the Shaping the Heart seminar at Harding University. I will talk more about that in an upcoming blog. Anyway, the motel we stayed in had lobby internet access, but it was closed the evening I got there and closed the morning that I got up so I was not able to type anything like I planned. Here I am!

I am typing this from a classroom at Jessieville School. I am substitute teaching for them today. What a great way to get into the community as a youth minister, by the way.

But, I digress. How many of you out there like Country/Bluegrass music? I am a fan of all types of music. My range is very eclectic, to say the least. But there is a great song out there that falls in the aforementioned category. A little, sweet number by Patty Loveless, Ricky Scaggs and Vince Gill. The lyrics that really touch my heart go a little like this: "Go rest high on that mountain. Son, your work on earth is done. Go to Heaven shouting love for the Father and the Son."
Great words for us to live by. I hope to hear that when my time here on earth is done. Are you living your life in such a way that those words will be spoken to you when you pass from this life into the next? If you are, then that is great! If not, then make sure to start today living the life that is pleasing to God.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Have You Heard?

In our teen class tonight we are going to discuss gossip and the harm that it brings to friendship. How does God want us to behave when it comes to dealing with other people's secrets?

The human being is a weird creature. We inherently want to know everything-good and bad-about everyone. We want to talk to each other about dark secrets. We see it all the time in the media, at school and by the water cooler at the office. We are dying to spill the beans.

Solomon, inspired by Jehovah God, wrote, "A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret." (Proverbs 11:13)

Who are you? The betrayer of confidences or the trustworthy friend? God wants us to be able to trust each other. If we can't do that, or if we don't warrant others trust in ourselves, then we are not being the friends God intended us to be.


I don't know how many times I have heard a teen or adult say, "No one has to go to church. They can always hold a devo at their own house." These thoughts are expressed in Bible class and school and play. Do Christians really have to go to church? Why can't they stay at home and worship with their biological families?

The question popped into my head one day: Should being part of a church community be a have to experience? Shouldn't we want/long to be a part of the body of Christ? Shouldn't we experience connectedness through community? Are we not given the charge to fellowship with, encourage, uplift and edify one another? The answer is yes. We are to desire to do these things.

The Hebrew author wrote "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching." (Hebrews 10:25)

So, I think it all boils down to this: God longs for us to have an intimate relationship with Him. He also wants us to grow closer and more connected with each member of the body as we do so. Think about it.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Family Matters

My wife, Elizabeth, and I were discussing the other day how we often save all our anger and hostility for those we love the most: our families. And I don't think that it is just a singular incident. I believe that it happens in Christian homes across the U.S. Many times we are extremely patient and forbearing with our friends and acquaintances, but we let loose on our wives, husbands, siblings, parents, and children. Here is an excerpt from Night Light, a book written by James and Shirley Dobson, that addresses this matter:

Isn't it curious how in the midst of a nasty family argument we can shoke our bad mood the instant the telephine rings or a neighbor knocks on the door? Have you ever been brought up short by a small voice questioning such a sudden turn to peaches and cream after 20 minutes of fire and brimstone? Sometimes we treat those we love the worst, and kids are quick to recognize this hypocrisy.

Mark Hatfield, a longtime senator from Oregon and the father of four, said his wife once stung him by saying, "I just wish you were as patient with your children as you are with your constituents."

He isn't alone. We're all guilty, at times, of what might be called "split vision," treating acquaintances with forbearance while losing patience or even heaping contempt on those under our own roof. We assume the worst. We pounce on every shortcoming. We never miss an opportunity to harangue. In the process, we wound the people we care about most.

It's time we cut one another a little slack at home. If we say our spouses, children and parents are the most significant people in our lives, we can prove it by showing them the same kindnesses we would bestow on our most honored guests."

How are you when it comes to matters familial? Do you treat your family with the same patience and respect that you show friends? Are you an equal opportunity family member? Take a look and make sure that you are showing your love to the ones you love the most.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Annual Village Lock-In

On Friday, April 15, the Village will host an Area wide Lock-In at the building. The guest list is as follows: Sheridan COC, Northside COC(Benton) and National Park COC(Hot Springs) with room for more. We will devote our time to God in praise and worship, fellowship, games, pool, bowling, PS2, movies and more. The time is 7pm to 7am. If you are in this area and would like to be a part of this great overnight experience, please let me know by responding to this blog or calling me in the office.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Quote Of The Day

"Happiness is not a goal, it is a by-product." - Eleanor Roosevelt