Monday, March 14, 2005


Have you known anyone that could dish it out but couldn't take it? Working as a Youth and Family Minister I have seen my share of teens, tweens and adults that fit this description. They are really good at ridicule and sarcasm. They know the art of belittling. But they don't have the stomach or heart or whatever to take it in return. It hurts them and makes them angry.

Jesus had a message that spoke to this. "Do unto others as you would have done to you." Jesus gave us this command because He wants us to put ourselves in other people's shoes. If we think from their point of view, we will change our actions and stop our tongues before we hurt each other.

I think this really hits us hard. We are humans in a fallen world and we think like fallen people. Sometimes we let ourselves dictate the way we should behave. But that leads to trouble. Christians are called to a higher level of living. Before you say anything to or about someone, evaluate what the message will bring. Will it encourage and uplift or will it hurt and depress. Look at it through the other person's eyes. Look at it through our own eyes. If that was done or said to us, would we like it? Doing this will make all the difference in your relationships with others.

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