Friday, October 12, 2007


My office is looking strange to me. Hardly any books on the shelf and lots of loaded up boxes. I have thrown away a whole bunch of stuff and it is crazy how it piles up so quickly. I need a daily reminder to let things go when they do not need to stay. Hard to do!
Tis the season for bugs, bugs and more bugs! I first noticed it on Tuesday night when I came back from the Marble Falls High School Concert, which was amazingly wonderful by the way!, and I headed in to the office and starting hearing crunches as I walked up to the exterior. There are bugs all over the place and there is nowhere we can go right now without stepping on one or seeing one or nearly inhaling one. Crazy! I am ready for them to leave.
Just sitting here wondering if my old pal, Jim Burger, is gonna blog again! The days are just not the same without his daily insight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am a computer programmer, so I deal with 'bugs' every day of my life! I would like them to go away, too!

By the way, Mom says "Hi"! We can't wait for your arrival at Northside!